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Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid

Course Description: The Heartsaver First Aid course is designed to help you handle an emergency in the first few minutes before Emergency Medical Services arrives. The course will cover a variety of common medical, trauma and environmental emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, breathing difficulty, seizures, bleeding, burns, shock, fractures, bleeding, heat/cold emergencies, Epi pen administration... Although much of the material in this course will be applicable to any age patient, this course is geared towards the adult patient. If you need a course geared more toward pediatric patients, consider taking the Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid course. If you desire to take first aid, CPR & AED training together, please sign up for the Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED course.

Who should take this course:
This course would be ideal for any individuals, groups or business in a non-healthcare setting that has any interaction with either the public or other co-workers/employees. (Gyms, corporate buildings, industrial or other business settings, pools, community centers...)

Course length:
Approximately 2 hours

Course material:
Heartsaver First Aid Student Workbook

Written/Practical test:

Course fee:

·         Pre-scheduled courses for individuals or groups of 4-14 people:

o   $35 without textbook (Your Heartsaver First Aid Student Workbook must be published after 2005.)

o   $50 with textbook (Your Heartsaver First Aid Student Workbook must be published after 2005.) 

·         Groups of more than 15 people: Call for quote 

·         Private individual course: Call for quote

Certification obtained:
2-year AHA Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid card


·                Group classes are provided on-site at your location

·                Pre-scheduled classes held at the Olathe Medical Arts Building
(Address provided once you register for the course on our Course Calendar)